In the hierarchy of human needs, clothing occupies the second top most priority coming only next to the food. The use of socks by the armed forces fighting in high altitude and in adverse climatic conditions has now been finding its ways among executives and school children. Wearing of any kind of shoes without socks is termed as incomplete. Socks are simple items and one of the basic necessities of people of all ages and income strata. Socio-economic changes and fashion awareness amongst the masses have brought in a sea change in the living styles in Pakistan. Socks of various types and designs can be produced by using cotton yarn, acrylic yarn, polyester yarn, nylon yarn of different counts, quality and shades. The elastic portion on the top of socks is produced by using rubbered yarn or lycra yarn. This project manufactures socks for domestic and international market in various sizes to ensure that this commodity is available in a wide range.
Process of Manufacture
Initially, the size and design of the socks to be knitted are decided and accordingly, the machines are selected and set. After setting the machine with the required design and size, the predetermined colour yarns are loaded on the bobbin stands in the creel assembly of the machine and fed into the knitting elements of the machine. Socks are knitted in continuous process and several operations are performed before a socks is completed. Knitting is done in stages beginning with elastic portion for which elastic yarn is used. The leg portion is knitted followed by heel and foot portion ending up with the toe portion of the socks. The toe portion of socks is closed by stitching on over lock machine. Socks thus produced will have acquired dirt which have to be removed by washing in socks washing machine containing mild detergent. After washing, socks are charged into hydro-extractor to remove excess water and dried in dryer tumbler. Visual examination is done to remove any faults and finally ironed to remove wrinkles and also to provide proper shape. Socks are reversed and paired manually by attaching pins at different places and packed for sending it to customers.
Socks Machines
There are 15 Lonati socks knitting machines installed in the socks unit.